It's all right to weep
In times when you feel like crying
But hey! Don't thrust yourself
If your tears run dry, try to grin
There see, you're already smiling.
There's insecurity in the future
But never surrender to its radiance
Possess the bravery, nail the barrier.
Things you've reached
Don't let it go
Or it will barely be a memory
And these cloudy times will just be debris.
Here you are,
Quivering in the darkness of the night
Save for you, you're not alone.
And day by day, every night, far and wide
Closely seize your small tender
If its only because of this sore fever
Destiny will comes around forever
Cause now the stories have just BEGIN.
fatin wahab, Nov 15, 1346
p/ first poem... comments are needed..=)
bleh ganti usman awang kot...
emily dickinson in the making....!
cube lg fatiyne!go...go...go!
ade kene mengene ngn pape ke? hehe
hehe.. g ltak dlm kaleidoskop~
not bad. i'm not satisfied cuz u forgot to include my name somewhere in the poem! hahaha
emosah :: haha!! thanks... then, lets create my own IOC..i'll make sure you git what i wrote..hehehhe thanks by the way...=0
mazlin :: erk.. xmo la emily tue jer...hahaha....
anyway... aku mmg comel... tahu da...!!~~ hahaha
eiman :: bajet komen cam ni..mentg2 aku btahu kenape... hahahhha...=P
gadis ayu as31@ asilah perasan :: bley je... kalau aku x letak aku tahu korg nak amek n letakkan..pastu korg dpt duit...
MrJason :: ooops... promise you my next one wud have yourname somewhere...hehehhe...
anyway... thanks!!~~^^go2 faten!!
fatin...snce whn u bcome so jiwang2 nie...hehehehe
btw...nice poem n nice try...
keep it up!!!!caiyuk2x
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