we make them every day
whether its hard or simple straight forward choice
and most of the time
we need to pay for our choice
we find its hard to decide
and lebih susah kalau ianya melibatkan hati dan perasaan
I made a choice back then
and for others, you might find it a crazy step
something you wont do
but I went ahead and did it
now, I'm glad I did that
eventhough I still didnt get what I want
but I know now that everything is on HIM
I believe now He will decide for me
tipu kalau saye kate sy tak terfikir untuk berputus harap or giving up
tipu kalau saye kate sy sentiasa gembira dengan apa yang saye dah buat
tipu kalau saye kate sy slalu dapat ape yang sy nak
but at least,
i did more than what you did
dalam apa2 keadaan sekalipun,
we will be serve with different choices, and its not the matter of which one we chose,
its the matter of whether we're willing to choose.
"the more choices that we have, the more worse off we'll be"
and along the way,
incik S merah2 akan sentiasa try to bring us down
this is when we need to start in believing
believe in HIM
pray to HIM
ask from HIM
start making choices
and you'll start to move on
moga bermanfaat kepada semua
jalan kesusahan itu merupakan jalan yang insyaALLAH, membawa ke arah kebaikan JANNAH
dan jangan sampai kita memilih untuk menjadi umat yang berpaling
p/s II,
Hadeeth of the day
Daripada Abu Hamzah Anas ibn Malik r.a., khadam Rasulullah SAW, daripada Nabi SAW, Baginda bersabda:
Seseorang kamu tidak benar-benar beriman sehingga dia mengasihi saudaranya sebagaimana dia mengasihi dirinya sendiri.
Hadis riwayat al-lmam al-Bukhari dan Muslim.
so, saya sayang anda semue, fillah~
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