Thursday, September 16, 2010


walking out from class today make me smile.. it's raining...
just when I'm about to start missing the rain, He gives me my rain..

we've heard people says different things about rain

'ala, hujan ke.. nnti abes basah baju'

"hujan tak, mendung tak, ni asal bad mood ni?"

associating rain with bad mood..
sedih bile hujan turun sebab always think that hujan itu menyusahkan..

pernah tak we think on why He creates the rain?
*okay should know by now He creates everything for a reason(s)*

masyaALLAH, hujan nk turun kat sape, dimane, itupun pilihan ALLAH..
so shouldn't we be glad, be happy, thankful and rejoice? ^^

The time when it rains is the time when He shows us His mercy..
and being the choosen one to be blessed with His mercy, take the chance, make something from it..

we know that Ramadhan is the month when pintu2 langit terbuka, Rasulullah bersabda

"Apabila masuk bulan Ramadan, pintu-pintu langit dibuka." -
Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari dalam Sahihnya, hadis no: 1899.

and this is the time when He WANTS us to ask from Him, to pray to Him, for all our actions are sent all way up above....kan kan?

tapi tahu tak waktu hujan pon pintu langit terbuka? =)

"Maka Kami bukakan pintu-pintu langit, dengan menurunkan hujan yang mencurah-curah"
(al-Qamar : 11)

maksudnya? maksudnya time hujan adalah one of the golden hours..

Seek the response to your du'as when the armies meet, and the prayer is called,
and when rain falls' [reported by Imam al-Shafi' in al-Umm, al-Sahihah #1469].

so, da jom semue sayang, suke hujan...
make our du'a while its raining..
kan Hujan itu Rahmat...=)

I love the rain more today.
am falling in love, again, with the rain..

sitting outside the library, under the rain...
smiling, falling...

*esok hujan lagi please*


fatiN wahaB said...

Owh and after the rain, He gives us the rainbow... Which is again, beautiful, mesmerizing..

..:: eT ^ zaTieY ::.. said...

thanks fatin. kte pun suka rain, dan hujan. bukan nama artis korea atau group indo ye. =)

syamin said...

=)boleh x nk like post ni??
wel written..i like~~~