Tuesday, March 15, 2011


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful (1)
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, (2) The Beneficent, the Merciful. (3) Owner of the Day of Judgment, (4) Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help. (5) Show us the straight path, (6) The path of those whom Thou hast favoured. Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. (7)

untuk 'Ammi Sa'ari Che Kob;

ku mohon doa agar rohmu ditempatkan bersama alMu'minuun.

agar diampunkan segala kejahilan duniawi dan diberkati segala ilmu akhrawi

Fatin mohon kemaafan bagi pihak PakDa atas salah silap terhadap yang masih didunia...

kerana dunia ini sementara, sebuah persinggahan yang indah diluaran sahaja

dan PakDa dipilih untuk meneruskan perjalanan, menemui Sang Pencipta yang lebih menyayangi.

kerana masa PakDa sudah tiba..

and I, who still am drowning in the sea of sins,

ignoring the truth and following the youth..

without realizing that my time could be near, could be now,

could be tomorrow, nor will i ever know.

Everyday, I asked Him for so many things.

I asked for Jannah, I asked for success in this world and hereafter,

I asked for forgiveness of the sins of mine and of people that I love,

I asked for safety of those people, safety of the Ummah.

I asked for blessing to be kept on this road of Al-Haq,

I asked for so many things..that i forgot to ask.

Oh ALLAH, give me the Heart of Al-Mahdi; the heart of people who received hidayah with calm and acceptance. The heart that surrender to Your arrangement.

‎"Tidak ada suatu musibah pun yang menimpa seseorang kecuali dengan izin ALLAH; dan barangsiapa yang beriman kepada ALLAH niscaya Dia akan memberi petunjuk kepada hatinya. dan Allah Maha mengetahui segala sesuatu." (64:11)

Kerana ku sedar yaALLAH, aturanMu adalah yang paling tersusun buat kami

kuatkanlah ayahku, kuatkanlah ibuku, kuatkanlah kaum keluargaku,

kuatkanlah kami yaALLAH

kami memerlukan kekuatanMu untuk menghadapi yang belum pasti.

kerana masa kami akan tiba pasti.

AL-Fatihah for myUncle, who passed away this morning..

May ALLAH has his soul places in Jannatun Naeem.


ALLAHumma ameen.


Nurul Izzah said...

insyaAllah Fatin...
Oh ALLAH, give Fatin the Heart of Al-Mahdi; the heart of people who received hidayah with calm and acceptance. The heart that surrender to Your arrangement.

and thnx for accompanying me shopping kat outlet~! Really appreciate that~~~^-^

Encik Macho said...


waktu kita juga pasti menyusul..jom bersiap