Monday, September 27, 2010

One day..

was reading hanisah's blog when i found this...

i wish i was there too..
not last year..
not this year..
pray for it to be next year..

Eid Mubarak AS31
Eid Mubarak to all...

keep it simple..

been meaning to update..
for days..
lets wait till wednesday morning, when history is no longer bothering... *malasnye nk exam*
*bittaufiq wannajah ^^*

for the past hectic, crazy week,
here's a treat..
to my own self..

(this was taken on sunday)ice cream might just be what we need...

Fa inna ma'al 'usri yusra. Inna ma'al 'usri yusra

p/s, hari ni hujan lagi.. alhamdulILLAH..
happiness, peacefulness

Thursday, September 16, 2010


walking out from class today make me smile.. it's raining...
just when I'm about to start missing the rain, He gives me my rain..

we've heard people says different things about rain

'ala, hujan ke.. nnti abes basah baju'

"hujan tak, mendung tak, ni asal bad mood ni?"

associating rain with bad mood..
sedih bile hujan turun sebab always think that hujan itu menyusahkan..

pernah tak we think on why He creates the rain?
*okay should know by now He creates everything for a reason(s)*

masyaALLAH, hujan nk turun kat sape, dimane, itupun pilihan ALLAH..
so shouldn't we be glad, be happy, thankful and rejoice? ^^

The time when it rains is the time when He shows us His mercy..
and being the choosen one to be blessed with His mercy, take the chance, make something from it..

we know that Ramadhan is the month when pintu2 langit terbuka, Rasulullah bersabda

"Apabila masuk bulan Ramadan, pintu-pintu langit dibuka." -
Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari dalam Sahihnya, hadis no: 1899.

and this is the time when He WANTS us to ask from Him, to pray to Him, for all our actions are sent all way up above....kan kan?

tapi tahu tak waktu hujan pon pintu langit terbuka? =)

"Maka Kami bukakan pintu-pintu langit, dengan menurunkan hujan yang mencurah-curah"
(al-Qamar : 11)

maksudnya? maksudnya time hujan adalah one of the golden hours..

Seek the response to your du'as when the armies meet, and the prayer is called,
and when rain falls' [reported by Imam al-Shafi' in al-Umm, al-Sahihah #1469].

so, da jom semue sayang, suke hujan...
make our du'a while its raining..
kan Hujan itu Rahmat...=)

I love the rain more today.
am falling in love, again, with the rain..

sitting outside the library, under the rain...
smiling, falling...

*esok hujan lagi please*

Thursday, September 9, 2010

it is the heart~

it is the heart
that conquers the world..
that determines the actions..
that speaks the intentions..

it is the heart
that put man in misery
that placed man in history
that laughed at man for following..

but it is also the heart
that can bring peace
that can offer love and dignity
that can give what world really is

for it is the heart
that He really sees
it is the heart
that we only need

with the left pieces of Ramadhan that we have,
fix the heart, with the sincere desire;
cure the heart, with the honest and meaningful act to attire;
guard the heart, with the wording of Al-Quran, for it is for to preach...

as now the enemies of heart are waiting impatiently,
for the ties thats holding them to be free,
to create the battle that last eternity..

be just, even to the heart..
for its not ours to begin with.

for the heart is what we will be...
It is the heart....

jangan sampai dibacakan kepada kita,

....لهم قلوب لا يفقهون بها ....
"....mereka memiliki hati tapi tidak digunakan untuk memahami ayat-ayat ALLAH..."

Wahai hati, bersabarlah dengan dunia..

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bingkisan Kasih Ibu

few months back..ibu saye tules ni..
saye nk share dengan semue org
sebab nk semue org realize akan kasih sayang seorg ibu

ibu, comes after Allah n Rasulullah,,
ibu, comes three times than bapa baru datang
ibu, syurga kat tapak kaki dia
ibu, yang mane, kadang2 ade antara kiter da tak berpeluang nk jumpe
ibu, yang mane, SAYA SANGAT SAYANG

dan saya nk semue kawan2 saya sayang ibu mereka
sebab there are a lot of stars out there,
but there's gonna be only one mother...

Wahai Rasulullah, siapakah di antara manusia yang paling berhak untuk aku berbuat baik kepadanya?” Rasulullah menjawab, “Ibumu.” “Kemudian siapa?” tanyanya lagi. “Ibumu,” jawab beliau. Kembali orang itu bertanya, “Kemudian siapa?” “Ibumu.” “Kemudian siapa?” tanya orang itu lagi. “Kemudian ayahmu,” jawab Rasulullah. (HR. Al-Bukhari no. 5971 dan Muslim no. 6447)

so, here it is,

Bingkisan Buatmu by Azmani Daud


Kasih dan sayangku buat kalian
harum umpama setanggi dan tersemat kukuh jauh di sanubari.
Wajah-wajah kalian dirantauan yang bercahaya
bak bulan purnama sering menjengah lenaku.


Segala nasihat yang ku hamparkan saban hari buat kalian adalah bicara hati,
harapan dan impian yang agar disemat kukuh di dasar ingatan
dan menjadi peniup semangat hingga hari dewasa kalian.

Oleh itu sayang,

Semoga nurkasih-NYA sentiasa melingkari perjalanan kehidupan kalian,

terimakasih kerana selama ini kalian menjadi anak-anak yang baik ,
memberi kekuatan dan semangat buat umi
dalam meneruskan kehidupan
yang penuh dengan ranjau dan duri.
Sesunggunya kalian adalah bidadari kayangan
yang sentiasa bertakhta di hati umi.

Kalian kesayangan dan segalanya buat umi................................

Rahmatilah ibuku yaALLAH
tempatkanlah ibuku dalam kekasih-kekasihMu
jadikanlah ibuku Ratu bidadari-bidadari syurga..

Sunday, April 25, 2010

choices that WE made


we make them every day
whether its hard or simple straight forward choice
and most of the time
we need to pay for our choice

we find its hard to decide

and lebih susah kalau ianya melibatkan hati dan perasaan

I made a choice back then
and for others, you might find it a crazy step
something you wont do
but I went ahead and did it

now, I'm glad I did that
eventhough I still didnt get what I want
but I know now that everything is on HIM
I believe now He will decide for me

tipu kalau saye kate sy tak terfikir untuk berputus harap or giving up
tipu kalau saye kate sy sentiasa gembira dengan apa yang saye dah buat
tipu kalau saye kate sy slalu dapat ape yang sy nak

but at least,
i did more than what you did

dalam apa2 keadaan sekalipun,
we will be serve with different choices, and its not the matter of which one we chose,
its the matter of whether we're willing to choose.

"the more choices that we have, the more worse off we'll be"

and along the way,
incik S merah2 akan sentiasa try to bring us down
this is when we need to start in believing

believe in HIM
pray to HIM
ask from HIM

start making choices
and you'll start to move on

moga bermanfaat kepada semua

jalan kesusahan itu merupakan jalan yang insyaALLAH, membawa ke arah kebaikan JANNAH
dan jangan sampai kita memilih untuk menjadi umat yang berpaling

p/s II,
Hadeeth of the day

Daripada Abu Hamzah Anas ibn Malik r.a., khadam Rasulullah SAW, daripada Nabi SAW, Baginda bersabda:
Seseorang kamu tidak benar-benar beriman sehingga dia mengasihi saudaranya sebagaimana dia mengasihi dirinya sendiri.
Hadis riwayat al-lmam al-Bukhari dan Muslim.

so, saya sayang anda semue, fillah~

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the past - almost forgotten

Bismillah... Assalamualaikum kengkawan...(mood ceria)

dlm menjalani hidup harian kat library yg hingar-bingar ini(mengasah bahasa melayu),
tetibe, terdetik di hati..


da lame tak bace..
esp bace reramai cm time mude mudi zaman belia yang tak matured..
dulu esp sekolah agama, mesti bace reramai..time da abes sekolah petang2, smbil turun tangga..
pastu, bile da masuk sekolah menengah, tak bace da...bace Yassin jer every selase..(ingtkah budak SMDAM akan habit ini?, heee)

so, meh kiter ingat2 balek
refresh2 balek..
yg lupe tu, hafal2 balek..
yang tersekat tu, lancar2 balek..
bait2 ayat...khatamul Quran..

ALLAH rahmati kami dengan Al-Quran
Jadikan ia pimpinan, cahaya, petunjuk dan rahmat
Allah ingatkan kami, apa yang terlupa,
ajarkanlah, ajarkanlah yang tak diketahui
rezekikan kami membacanya,
siang, dan malam, siang dan malam, sepanjang siang dan malam
Jadikan ia perisai kami..
Ya Rabbal Alamin..

sedeh la plak hayati bait2 dye..
same2 kiter mengambil pengajaran.....
jom bace Quran reramai~~~~


Ayat Hari Ini
nak kongsi separuh bait ayat ni...

"Pada Hari ini telah Aku sempurnakan agamamu untukmu, dan telah aku cukupkan nikmat-Ku bagimu dan telah aku redha Islam sebagai agamamu." [5:3]
sementara Dia masih memberi kita peluang untuk berada atas Siratul Mustaqim ni,
gunakanlah peluang ini sebaik mungkin..
jangan kiter menyesal di akhir nanti...  insyaALLAH

Monday, February 15, 2010

pain and strength

Assalamualaikum dunia...

everything went as normal as it can be.
.classes, midterm, friends, library hours..
when suddenly.. i clicked on izyan's new post..
just to find out bout you.

you had me
out of empathy and sympathy
not for your pain
but for your strength
for your spirit
for your inspiration
and might as well be
for your journey towards Him

reading your posts
learning your words
understanding your conditions
absorbing your fights
hit me hard on my head and heart
for Fatin
stop criticizing
end the crying
and begin to believe
to hope
to berserah to Him

for to you
I pray hard...while hoping others who read this too,
will pray for you
for your health
for your spirit
for your battle
asking Him to put the best interest on you.

"Ya Allah, gives Your greatest power to our friend, Mas Afzal, showers Your everlasting love to him, shadows him under Your undivided protective clouds, place his spirit and soul in the fighting field, for everything You give to us is none but what we could bear, for all things You test us is nothing but to show us Your love, and to forgive our sin, for You are the one and only You" Ameen.

No affliction befalls in the earth, by way of drought [for example], or in yourselves, such as illness, or the loss of a child, but it is in a Book, meaning, the Preserved Tablet (al-lawh al-mahfūz), before We bring it about, [before] We create it — the same is said [to be true] of [God’s] graces — that is indeed easy for God. [57:22]

dont give up my friend
for He's with you
and will forever do.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Here I am


I wrote this few months back..on Oct kot, da lupe..
thought that it wasn't good enough to be shared..
giving everyone a piece of my heart..

Here I Am

The smiling faces that wrapped my beating heart
Their warm hugs, soothed my freezing soul
For those very moment
I’ve waited before things fall apart
And I’ve kept it treasured before they were lowed

Those quivering feet
Trying to scamper from the truth of life
As it is filled with hatred and alienation in every second
Though all left is empty decoration
Love You
I cherish You forever
For that's one thing that keeps us together

Here I am
Walking in the darkness of night
Running to the brightest of light
In the quest of happiness and security
As it keeps me on the ground
for eternity.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do..
Sesungguhnya, setiap ape yg kita lakukan adalah untuk Dia..
InsyaAllah, be with Him and He'll bear with you forever...


Sunday, February 7, 2010

save her Ya Allah

Ya Allah...
save her ya Allah...
give her Your strength ya Rahman..
make her a survivor ya Rahim..
for she is a dear to us ya Allah..
bring her the best on what you've set ya Aziz..
for each second that i'm praying Ya Karim,
is meant for her to be strong..
for her to hang on...
for her to come back to us..

Hanisah sayang...
dont give up sayang...
hang on ...
put your strongest effort my love..
know that we all behind you...
know that we all love you..
know that we all care bout you...
i heart you more than anything dear...
dont give up just yet...

to my sisters and brothers..
pray hard guys
be strong
unite like we always have been before
put a positive mind
know that we have each other
watching for each other
for we meant the world for each other
..uhibbukum fillah..
lets just pray

Thursday, January 28, 2010

the Reality Check


Maaf kerana terlebih 3 hari dari niat asal dlm istiqamah update post....terlalu taksub dengan kehidupan universiti sampai terlupe janji diri...
Teringin nak letak gambar dlm post cam orng2 laen..heee...smpai pon hajat hati...

post kali ni... nak sentuh siket pasal ramalan..prediction orang kat sni sebut... ore klate kato teko or rhamale...
Nowadays, kiter dah terbiase membiasekan perkara yang tak sepatutnya dibiasekan..
contoh; ikhtilat...horoskop...pemakaian...pemakanan...bla bla bla....
namun kalau terang lagi bersuluh dalam Kalam cakap haram, xkiralah kondisinya, maka haramlah sesuatu itu...
Suke nk bawa post ni lebih bertujuan untuk kuiz2 personaliti, kuiz2, ramalan, yang ader kat muka buku kiter tu..(sesiape yg tak der muke buku, sy bagi standing ovation.!~)
dulu2, kalau jumpe kuiz jer mesti buat...yang paling excited, ha, ramalan tarikh perkahwinan..(pastu perasan sorang diri biler nak kawen, hikhik) tak pun, ramalan anak brape orang..xpun ramalan brape kali kapel baru kawen..(mostly pasal ikhtilat n ibadah perkahwinan, sebab tu letak gambar yg comel diatas itu, hee)
xpun, predict initials partner la....ramal personaliti gune blood type, jawab soalan siket2....
pastu....kluar la butang, forward to your friends, tak pun, compare result with your friends, kalau yg rajin, hantar, yang malas cam saye ini, skip to result terus...xsabar nak tahu...
(drum roll)
terpampang la keputusan kuiz tu...
"Anda akan berkahwin pada tahun 2012, bulan august"
"Anda jenis setia. Anda akan berkahwin dengan pasangan pertama anda, Semoga berbahagia"
da da da...

excited la kiter...sedar tak sedar, lebih2 lagi kuiz personaliti tu, kiter siap ngan kadang2 da boleh agak keputusan dye... pastu, biler bace,
"eh, betol giler...aku mmg cam ni pon"
xpun bace horoskop "beware of your money and luck today" pastu kiter pon terfikir, aish, ape nak jadi hari ni....xpun, "you love shadows will come out" kiter pon, hikhik, excited jer, mate akan tercari2 muke org yg kiter suke, pastu terus fikir, "owh, ni ker maksud horoskop tu..betol la..sukenyer!~ hikhik...

dalam tak sedar...
kiter meletakkan agama kiter di hujung jarum..
skali terdetik di hati kiter, "wah, betolla ape dye tules" , agama tu terus jatuh...jatuh plak dalam pasiran pantai...susah nak cari balik..
sebab disamakan kiter memberi harapan kiter pada tulesan itu..
diertikan kiter melabuhkan nasib kiter pada coretan itu..
ditafsirkan kiter meletakkan kepercayaan kiter pada kertas itu..
sedangkan, harapan paling tinggi harus diberikan kepada Allah, sebagai salah satu cara beriman dengan hati...
sedangkan, nasib kiter milik Allah, hanya Dia yang tahu ape nasib kiter, and nasib manusia ni dah lame tercatit dlm buku diari hidupnya seorang umat, "The pen has been lifted and the ink has dried up"(at-tarmizi)
sedangkan, kepercayaan kiter harus pada 6 bende yang membentuk iman kiter....

tapi bile kiter ubah ketiga2 bende ni...nauzubillah...unaware..kiter boleh digolongkan dalam golongan yang terpesong agama...

"Imam Muslim meriwayatkan dalam kitab Shahih Muslim, bahwasanya Rasulullah SAW bersabda : Barangsiapa mendatangi arraaf (tukang ramal)) kepadanya, tidak akan diterima shalatnya selama empat puluh hari."
"Dari Abu Hurairah r.a dari Rasulullah SAW, beliau bersabda:Barangsiapa yang mendatangi kahin (dukun)) dan membenarkan apa yang ia katakan, sungguh ia telah kafir terhadap apa yang diturunkan kepada Muhammad SAW." (HR. Abu Daud).

Dalam Islam, hanye ader satu ramalan yang diharuskan...ramalan yang berlandaskan kalam Allah...
contoh, kiter meramalkan bahawa akan datang Hari Akhirat...
diharuskan untuk kiter agar umat ni sedar akan tujuan kiter diciptakan [51:56]
tapi, yang dijatukan hukum haram apabila kiter mula meramal tarikh akan berlakunya Hari Kiamat.. mulelah kiter bilang, okey, 1000 tahun... macam2 perkiraan, 1000 tahun jajahan kristian yang bersamaan dengan perkiraan tahun hijrah...lepas tu, kire, 88 hari Yakjuj Makjuj takluk..(wallahualam)...semue ni...salah...dosa...haram...
sebabnye, yang Maha Mengetahui hanya Dia...bile kiter cube meramal, ibarat kita nak menandingi kuase ilmu Dia...sedangkan ape yg ader fis sama wal ardh adelah milik Allah...

berbalik kepada kuiz2 tadi...
apabile kiter bace, minda kiter akan terfikir bende tu..bile kiter berfikir kiter akan berusaha ke arah itu...atau mencari jer alasan untuk membenarkan kate2 tu..
contoh, bile jumpe orang yg kiter suke tadi...mule la fikir, "wah wah!~ jodoh2..i suke i suke.."
padahal, kalau tak bace bende tu, kite takder la mate melilau sini sane cri dye...takder nyer nak ternampak dye...
pengaruh minda..
dan pengaruh incik S...

Same2 kiter renungi hadis2 tu...kalau tak percaye lagi..bukala buku panduan hidup kiter tu..
Bile kita pcaya ramalan2 tu, maksudnya kiter menyerahkan khidupan kita pd iblis. Pada saat kita diramal, itu sama saje detik kita memberikan diri kita dan kehidupan kita utk disutradarai incik S ni...
insyaAllah, same2 kiter berubah untuk kebaikan..
untuk diri..
untuk agama..
demi Dia..


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Whats left with names...


syukur, masih diberi peluang untuk menulis sesuatu...lameeee x updateee~~
had my classes settled and some other things...
been wanting to talk about the trip, but save it for later..
insyaAllah, berazam nak update blog at least once in two or three days... insyaAllah..

lately..terase cam nak berckp pasal name..panggilan...
given names kalau dlm forms..hehe~
setiap name yang diberi, diletak oleh parents ni...
semue da ditapes abes2...da masuk screening machines, da di bedah siasat, semue2 la...
betapa sushnye nak kasi name kat baby baby ni..
bile besar..
name yg cantik2 tu..
da tukar2 da...
kalau from certain negeri..(tibe2 terasa dengan negeri sendiri..hukhuk,, xper2, berubah2)

names are called that somehow justify how the person is..
katelah name dye Farah, periang, so maksudnya, setiap kali kita panggil name Farah tu kat empunya name, kita mendoakan kegembiraan untuk dye...kita mengharapkan kebahagiaan untuk dye...
so, kalau kiter tukar, jadi tak der maksud or worst sedar tak sedar name yg tukar2 tu ader maksud x elok...xker kiter mendoakan perkara tak baek tuk dye...kawan kiter plak tu...hehe..

suke nak bangkitkan maksud saiful..
saiful diceritakan xder maksud sempurna, just pedang..
namun kalau kiter panggil dye saifullah, da jadi Pedang Allah..alhamdulillah, sedap maksud..hehe

so ape kate..
azam 20 januari ni..
kiter janji ngan diri..
panggil our friends by their given act names..
sebab dlm kiter bergelak ketawa, nak marah ke, nak sound ke,, nak ajak makan ker, time kite sebut name dye least kiter mendoakan untuk dye...

so, bakal ibu ibu bapa2...letakla name comel2 yer..
suke name salah satu Jannah...
Arman...harapan ku,
da da...malalut jer kerja saye..

so marilah kiter bermula..=]

p/s Tazkirah hari ini...
"Kamu (umat Islam) adalah umat terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, (kerana kamu) menyuruh (berbuat) yang maaruf, dan mencegah yang mungkar, dan beriman kepada Allah...." [3:110]
Sesungguhnya, terang Dia jelaskan yang kita adalah sebaek-baek umat-Nya..dan kiter tidak dicipta melainkan untuk beribadah kepada-Nya [51:56]..
Kalau kiter jatuh..kalau kiter sedih..kalau kiter duka...jangan kiter merasa diri ini hina..kerana kita sebaek-baek umat, selagi kita amar maaruf nahi mungkar....same2 kiter hayati 2 ayat ni...
Kebahagiaan, ketenangan, kekuatan. semue kat Dia...
insyaAllah, Dia sentiasa ada..yakin dengan janji-Nya..

segala yang baik itu datang dari-Nya dan yg buruk itu dipamerkan melalui kelemahan diri fatin sendiri..

Friday, January 1, 2010

Things we ignore before

Assalamualaikum semue...da lame x update blog...been too occupied with MUKTAMAR and everything. glad that it all worked out well..
here in Florida..i learn banyak2 sgt...thanks to tese people i'm currently of them would be Akhi hour unofficial halaqah with him changed my view on myself..
i would talk about the most important thing he said later, but i'm sharing this with you guys now. a piece of advice from him. lets hope for the best and greatness for all of us and pray for endless bless for Akhi coz berjaya smpaikan something yang kita tahu tapi x sedar kiter faham ke tak ape sebenarnya yang Kalam Allah sebutkan..

Peace be upon all of you,
I bear witness that Allah alone is worthy of worship and Muhammad peace be upon him is His prophet

I will explicitly list to you the addiction that is dangerous plus haram and a destroyer to humankind that I observed and have knowledge about:

1. zina (adultery) and things are related to it;

- watching porn,
- dating,
- conversation on phone, text and etc without valid reason

2. smoking


3. drugs (to much to be listed)
4. gambling
5. back biting, slander, gossip

Allah s.w.t. said:

Bala man kasaba sayyiatan waahatat bihi khateeatuhu faolaika ashabu alnnari hum feeha khalidoona 2:81

Dr Mohsin translation
Yes! Whosoever earns evil and his sin has surrounded him, they are dwellers of the Fire (i.e. Hell); they will dwell therein forever. (81)

Malay translation
(Apa yang kamu katakan itu tidaklah benar), sesungguhnya sesiapa yang berbuat kejahatan dan dia diliputi (ditenggelamkan) oleh kesalahannya itu, maka merekalah ahli Neraka, mereka kekal di dalamnya. (81)

notice! the Arabic word sayyiatan is a singular noun which means sin. You should understand from reading the translation that if you do one sin. Just one sin but you did it again and again you will enter to hell fire. why? Allah explained it in these next ayahs:

Araayta mani ittakhatha ilahahu hawahu afaanta takoonu AAalayhi wakeelan 25:43
Dr Mohsin translation
Have you (O Muhammad SAW) seen him who has taken as his ilâh (god) his own vain desire? Would you then be a Wakîl (a disposer of his affairs or a watcher) over him? (43)

Malay translation
Nampakkah (wahai Muhammad) keburukan keadaan orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya: Tuhan yang dipuja lagi ditaati? Maka dapatkah engkau menjadi pengawas yang menjaganya jangan sesat? (43)

Afaraayta mani ittakhatha ilahahu hawahu waadallahu Allahu AAala AAilmin wakhatama AAala samAAihi waqalbihi wajaAAala AAala basarihi ghishawatan faman yahdeehi min baAAdi Allahi afala tathakkaroona 45:23

Dr Mohsin translation
Have you seen him who takes his own lust (vain desires) as his ilâh (god)? and Allâh knowing (him as such), left him astray, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and put a cover on his sight. Who then will guide him after Allâh? Will you not then remember? (23)

Malay translation
Dengan yang demikian, bagaimana fikiranmu (wahai Muhammad) terhadap orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya:

Tuhan yang dipatuhinya dan dia pula disesatkan oleh Allah kerana diketahuiNya (bahawa dia tetap kufur ingkar) dan dimeteraikan pula atas pendengarannya dan hatinya serta diadakan lapisan penutup atas penglihatannya? Maka siapakah lagi yang dapat memberi hidayat petunjuk kepadanya sesudah Allah (menjadikan dia berkeadaan demikian)?

Oleh itu, mengapa kamu (wahai orang-orang yang ingkar) tidak ingat dan insaf? (23)

Now do you understand the significant of these ayah? tauhid of Allah does not only mean to say La ilaaha illa Allah but to completely surrender and obey despite of strong desire or ego. You have to put your desire and ego down and bow down to Allah's decree and will.

Even for a person that prays, give out charity and accomplished the pilgrimage if he is trap in the addiction than he is not only slave to Allah but also slave to his sin. You cannot be slave to Allah and sin at the same time. That is called syirk (partnering Allah). Don't take your sin as your God it is not worth it to enter hell forever.

Don't close your heart, eyes and ears when the ayah has been explained to you. Make repentance sincerely and Allah will accept your repentance. The only way you can get out this is with strong will. Really really strong will to become closer to God.

Allah is oft-forgiving and Merciful to his servant:

Qul ya AAibadiya allatheena asrafoo AAala anfusihim la taqnatoo min rahmati Allahi inna Allaha yaghfiru alththunooba jameeAAan innahu huwa alghafooru alrraheemu 39:53

Dr Mohsin translation
Say: "O 'Ibâdî (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allâh, verily Allâh forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful[] (53)

"And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith (Islâmic Monotheism) to your Lord and submit to Him, (in Islâm), before the torment comes upon you, (and) then you will not be helped. (54)

Malay translation
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Wahai hamba-hambaKu yang telah melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri (dengan perbuatan-perbuatan maksiat), janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, kerana sesungguhnya Allah mengampunkan segala dosa; sesungguhnya Dialah jua Yang Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani. (53)

Dan kembalilah kamu kepada Tuhan kamu dengan bertaubat, serta berserah bulat-bulat kepadaNya, sebelum kamu didatangi azab; kerana sesudah itu kamu tidak akan diberikan pertolongan. (54)

while we still given life lets turn to Allah and free ourselves from the slavery of sins to only be slave to Allah. For that is true freedom.

Reminder for myself and others

your brother,

so much that we could learn from his words of advice. lets us change for a better muslim and muslimah. ameen
Fatin Wahab