Friday, February 4, 2011

tabah, harus!

Open my lungs
To breathe in forgiveness and love
Haunting me now
Reminders of how I used to be
On down the road
The troubles sure to follow
Looking out the window
I know where I will go
So I'll just keep on driving
I swore off my past
The first and last bad call
That I ever made
Tell me how to make right
Every wrong turn that I've learned
That this could all end tonight
With this my heart I'll follow this time
[daughtry: Tennessee line]

terkesan sedikit hati bile terencounter lirik ni tadi, its been a while since i listen to songs..
huhu, mungkin kerana the lyrics read my heart out loud..

No boundaries right, no lines, no separation between your life yesterday,
today and every other day..
the thing that differs is how you change what you want to have, what you wanna feel..

ask forgiveness if you did wrong..
forget things that others wronged you.

fix things you did wrong..
accept what they try to make things right.
then mend things to be alright...

so easy to type it in, so hard to do.
at least for me.

i know this will be a post yang memeningkan, xtentu pasal..
but there's something i wanted to say..
and i hope one's reading it will understand what my heart is saying.

semoga ALLAH memberkati anda dan anda semua2 nye, kerana anda adalah dunia saye, untuk ALLAH memberkati saya..ameen ameen

tabah fatin, harus!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

